We have been closely monitoring weather conditions and conferring with other local agencies and our operational staff. All D303 schools will be open and operating on a normal schedule tomorrow–Tuesday, Jan. 21. We anticipate and are working to ensure regular operations on our busing routes and in our school buildings. We encourage staff and families to dress for subzero temperatures. As always, families have the option of keeping their children home if they believe the weather is too cold to be outside.
Connect with the Reading staff at Richmond through our Staff Directory page. Search: Reading
In the area of literacy instruction, the Reading Specialist works with small groups of high-needs readers while helping the classroom teacher implement research-based instructional practices.
In the area of assessment, the Reading Specialist helps classroom teachers analyze data in order to inform instruction and plan effective learning experiences.
In the area of leadership, the Reading Specialist works with the school improvement team, the student services team, and professional learning community teams to build literacy knowledge and develop effective professional development experiences.
The ultimate goal of this three-tiered role is increased student achievement.